Tired of what?

Praggya pandey
3 min readJul 7, 2021

Sometimes you are just tired…of what ..No idea.

You just don’t want to talk, to look, to hear, to be awake to witness anything.

You do not feel life in anything. You don’t feel any emotions. You don’t feel wins, you don’t feel losses. All you want is a complete silence. And by silence here I mean no people, no phone, no thought, no complain, no pain, no crave, nothing.

Weird, right?

Lately, I have been going through same phase and gradually it started reflecting through my face. It appeared pale. Silent and sad eyes, as if I had not slept for weeks. I did not felt like smiling at anything, when I tried to do, it was visible that it’s fake. I couldn’t work properly. I was extremely low, frustrated, irritated, demotivated, and whatever depressing term you can name, I was that. It just felt like running away somewhere(the most common thought that comes to mind when we are stressed or depressed)

Family started getting worried about me, I could see this through their look and behavior. In fact, they couldn’t hold it back for long and one day they finally asked me what was the problem? Am I ill or what?

I denied as I had no issues physically, no pain, no fever. I didn’t notice any of it, hence never bothered until people started pointing it out.

This was alarming.

I understood, there was something wrong and I had to figure it out.

Hence I sat in silence, thinking and evaluating the things going on in my life. What was bothering me? Can I change it? If not, what can I do for it? As now, this was necessary.

I found it…

I was just tired.

Tired of trying, managing, thinking, pleasing, worrying, wondering, comparing, complaining, discussing and crying.

Tiredness seems just a small word, but it can destroy many thing. With a tired mind you can never do anything productive, which will cause more stress, affecting you and your near ones. Hence, it becomes a cycle and leading to a huge damage.

I kept on thinking of the solution, but couldn’t find one.

There are several things in our life that we cannot control, and there are a few in my life as well, which was possibly bothering me.

To settle on a solution, I saw several motivational videos, silently observed life of the people around me.

The person who became my life changer was my house help. I like her very much as she is very lively person. Doing her stuffs, smiling, chit chatting. It feels like she is the happiest person on the earth.

I sat with her, discussed life. She shared several things about her life, family, challenges, etc. I was astounded to hear all that. With so many challenges, how can a person be so lively and happy.

The answer was right in front of me- Acceptance.

She changed what she can and accepted that she cannot.

We can’t get everything our heart desires. That’s life. And life goes on.

Its us who has learn to accept this and living with it.


When you are tired, you should take rest, not quit or escape.

So, when you feel low and tired, just stop, take a break, breath for a moment, a minute, hour or days, and then make a comeback with double energy. All of us have gone through such phase in our life, What's yours?

